Hanuman Jayanti-April 11th 2017
Happy Hanuman Jayanti to all the Viewers The Monkey God Hanuman is one of the most celebrated Mythological characters of Hindu Religion. He is very
Vishnu Sahasranaama
Origin of Vishnu Sahasranaama: Vishnu Sahasra naama, as the name itself reveals, is a collection of a thousand names of Lord Vishnu. It is seen
Hanuman Chalisa
Composed by Goswami Tulsidas, in Awadhi language, Hanuman Chalisa, has been one of the favorite chants of folks of all ages across the globe. As
Lalitha Sahasranaama
Divine chants/Stotras, in Sanskrit are supposed to work on human body-mind in several ways. Properly chanted, the intonation and pronunciations create sound waves which tranquilize
Magic of Music in Children
Enhances the Cognitive abilities in children: The Wikipedia definition of Cognitive ability is: “the ability of an individual to
Bhajans/ Devaranamas-Audio 3
gOvinda ninna naamave chanda: raaga:janasammOdini, taaLa:Adi, Composer: Purandaradasa gOvinda ninna naamave chanda|| aNu rENu truNa kAshTa paripUrNa gOvinda nirmalAtmakanAgi iruvude Ananda||gOvinda|| srishTi stithi laya kAraNa
Bhajans/Devaranamas-Audio 2
Songs in this episode: baagilanu teredu, Raaga: Hamsanandi, taaLa:khaNDachaapu, Composer: Kanakadasa bAgilanu teredu sEveyanu koDu hariye kUgidaru dhvani kELalillave narahariye paramapadadoLage viShadharana talpadali sirisahita kShIravAridhiyoLiralu
Music Therapy Workshop in Mysore
A workshop on Music Therapy was conducted in Mysore on 3.3.17. The Audience were explained about how rhythm forms an explicit component of not only
Bhajans/Devaranamas Audio 1
This is a set of 3-4 devaranamas, composed by Haridasas (Saint poets of Karnataka), discussed in English for an easy understanding for people across the