For the benefit of the viewers, the audio has been restricted to a single song discussion. The song discussed in this audio is hanumanta deva namo. Do let me know how did you all like the post!! 🙂
Hanumanta deva namo: Raaga: Poorvi Kalyani, taaLa:Adi, Composer:Purandaradasa
Raaga Benefits: A Janya (baby) raaga of the mELakarta(Parent), Gamanashrama, poorviKalyaaNi happens to be an intense raaga of Devotion. The ascent and descent go thus:
Ascent:Â Â Â S R1 G3 M2 P D2 P S||
Descent: S N3 D2 P M2 G3 R1 S||
As one can see, both the ascent and descent have Swaras(Notes) in a zig zag fashion. Hence the Raaga is Vakra- ShaaDava(6 notes in the ascent)- sampUrNa(all 7 notes in the descent) raaga. This complex structure of the raaga makes it a wellness recipe for reducing Depression and Anxiety. It is also highly effective in treating Head Aches/Migraine, Sinus and Ear problems.
Emotional Outlook: Promotes Optimism.
Lyrics: (Discussed in the Audio)
hanumanta dEva namO||
vanadhiyanu dATi dAnavara daNDisida||
rAma lakShmaNara kaTTALagi nee naDede bhUmijege mudreyunguravannitte ||
A mahA lankeya nagaravanellavanu nee dhUmagamava mADi merede mahatma||
shrImadAchAryara purapatiyendenipa shrI mahAlakumi nArAyaNa rUpa
shrI manOhara purandara viTTala dAsa prEmada ALu hanumanta balavanta||